FGF E-Package
The Birch Log
December 24, 2013


The Great Gift of Christmas
by John F. McManus
fitzgerald griffin foundation

WAKEFIELD. MA — An offense is measured, not by the one who gives it, but by the one who receives it. While it would surely be wrong to strike a neighbor, it would be a much greater wrong to strike the President, the Pope, or some popularly recognized dignitary.

When Adam and Eve sinned, they offended God. Their offense, therefore, was of infinite stature because God is infinite. The sin of Adam and Eve — which we all share — was infinitely displeasing, and any atonement for it had to be of equal value. But Adam, Eve, and all other members of the human race, all of us possessing merely finite worth, could not accomplish what had to be done.

When Jesus Christ became man in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, however, he was both God and man. Because He is God, His acts are of infinite value. As man, He took on human flesh and lived among us; He could do for mankind what no one else could do. He could atone for offenses against God, not only those of Adam and Eve, but those committed by each of us. He became mankind's Redeemer.


The great gift of Christmas is that God became man and became man's atoner. This is a gift He offers to everyone, even though many choose not to accept it.

Until Christ became man and gained atonement for all sinners, the gates of heaven were closed. But, as man as well as God, He offered His suffering and death on the Ccross for us. And because He did, it became possible for every human to get to heaven.

The great gift of Christmas is that God became man and became man's atoner. This is a gift He offers to everyone, even though many choose not to accept it.

Christmas is a wonderful time to think about God's great gift to mankind. He first gave Himself for all of us, and He continually wishes to give Himself to all through the Holy Eucharist.

It is also a wonderful time for us to rededicate our own lives to show how much we appreciate the great gift of Christmas. If we live according to God's rules, we will one day meet our Redeemer face to face. Then we can thank Him for His gift in the special way that only those who achieve salvation can.

Merry Christmas!

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The Birch Log is copyright © 2013 by John McManus. All rights reserved.

John F. McManus is President of The John Birch Society.

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