Western Civilization
and the great legacies of
Sam Francis and Joe Sobran
and their allies

June 19, 2019
Will Hungary Save the West?
by Charles G. Mills
Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation
Front Royal, Virginia — The Hungarian government has recently announced some important steps to improve its birth rate without diminishing liberty. Like most of the West, Hungary has a birth rate that is below its replacement level. The failure of a civilization to replace itself is a tragic form of cultural suicide and a violation of God’s command to multiply. Now, however, Hungary may be showing us the way out of this tragedy.
The failure of a civilization to replace itself is a tragic form of cultural suicide and a violation of God’s command to multiply. Now, however, Hungary may be showing us the way out of this tragedy.
Many countries have replaced their missing babies with immigrants who often do not share a common culture with those countries. The Hungarians are, on the contrary, taking serious steps to bring their birth rate back to adequate levels.
Many countries have replaced their missing babies with immigrants who often do not share a common culture with those countries. The Hungarians are, on the contrary, taking serious steps to bring their birth rate back to adequate levels.
The provisions of Hungary’s new plan include:
1. Government loans exceeding $35,000 to women when they marry before the age of 40, with forgiveness of one-third of the loan upon the birth of a second child, and forgiveness of the balance of the loan upon the birth of a third child.
2. Exemption from income tax for life for mothers of four children
3. Subsidies for housing that increase with family size
4. Subsidies for cars with seven or more seats
The provisions of Hungary’s new plan include:
– Government loans exceeding $35,000 to women when they marry before the age of 40
– Exemption from income tax for life for mothers of four children
– Subsidies for housing that increase with family size
– Subsidies for cars with seven or more seats
One interesting feature of this plan is that not only does the tax burden lessen as the family size increases, but also the necessity of dealing with government taxation at all decreases enormously upon the birth of the third and fourth children. Taxes are, at best, a regrettable necessity, and any exemption from them is a welcome step in the right direction.
It would be a mistake not to recognize the denunciation of Hungary as part of the same war against God’s plan as that of the abortion and contraception movements.
Predictably, the Brussels tyrants of the European Union have condemned Hungary for its violation of European values, which are for these bureaucrats nothing more than the wicked anti-child values of the worst elites of France and Germany. The values of today’s Hungary were the values of Christian Europe for centuries; these values are now being repudiated by the Brussels practitioners of Franco-German tyranny by bureaucracy. It was bad enough when Germans or Frenchmen — like Robespierre, Bismarck, and Hitler — imagined themselves to be the inheritors of the tradition of a nationalist distortion of Charlemagne; it is worse for both of these countries to unite to subject all of Europe to a Bismarkian-Robespierreian-Hitlerian tyranny by bureaucracy. No wonder they hate Hungary, which may force them to face a reinvigorated, heroic Europe. If Hungary starts growing, the rest of the Christian West may follow it.
Her heart is not really in the right place, but Theresa May is leading, although timidly, a fight against the tyrants of Brussels over Brexit. We can only hope that when Hungary is denounced by Brussels for its authentic Christianity, it will align itself with Britain.
Hungary has now taken a stand for children, quite possibly the greatest battle of our time. It deserves the support of all good people.
My ancestors at Runnymede, and the bishops who accompanied them, stood up for Christianity against a tyrant. So did the American colonists, the people of the Vendee, the Confederate South, the Spanish Catholics led by Francisco Franco, the Polish workers of Solidarity, and above all, the brave Hungarians of 1956. It would be a mistake not to recognize the denunciation of Hungary as part of the same war against God’s plan as that of the abortion and contraception movements.
Hungary has now taken a stand for children, quite possibly the greatest battle of our time. It deserves the support of all good people.
Copyright @ 2025 by the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation. All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted if credit is given to Charles G. Mills and fgfBooks.com.
Charles G. Mills, author of The Confederate Lawyer, is the Judge Advocate Emeritus (general counsel) for the New York State American Legion. As a New York lawyer, he has been arguing cases for fifty years in federal courts and in all levels of the New York courts.
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