May 25, 2017
Trump and Brexit: a Revolt Against the Elites
by Robert L. Hale
fitzgerald griffin foundation
MINOT, ND – I sense a new and real revolution brewing. It is, in some ways, not unlike the American Revolution. America’s Revolution was pushed by the revulsion for arrogant King George III and his insistence that colonists give him their money (taxes) to impose his will on them, without their representation.
There is a reason that the current tension in the EU and America’s rejection of the left/progressivism is so threatening to the U.S. and EU power structures.
People are beginning to sense who is responsible for the chaos in their nations, the endless and increasing taxes, rules and regulations, the assault on their values and virtues, and a growing untouchable government.
Common people are beginning to sense who is responsible for the chaos in their nations, the endless and increasing taxes, rules and regulations, the assault on their values and virtues, and a growing untouchable government. The EU and U.S. leadership elite believe they are untouchable and superior, in all matters, to the lowly taxpayers — the unwashed masses.
The common men and women of both the United States and Europe have begun to understand that elites in both America and Europe (including Britain), not they, control their destiny.
Suffice it to say the elite are a somewhat different group in the United States and in Europe. Nonetheless they have several things in common. They derive their power through deals and manipulation and the illegitimate use of police power and political power.
Today our once-understandable and trusted electoral, legal, and judicial systems in the United States and most of Europe can no longer be trusted. Those systems have been so badly corrupted they may be irretrievable.
The common men and women of both the United States and Europe have begun to understand that elites in both America and Europe, not they, control their destiny.
The masses have become restless. The elites sense the danger. Out of pure lust for power and hatred of the masses, the elite have made a game of dividing the common people (us) against one another as a means of growing the police state, increasing taxes, and expanding a bureaucracy creating red tape used to keep us under their control.
In the United States the elites are the “royal” families and institutions that have arisen from America’s industrial, technological, and money-controlling elite. In Europe the elite find their roots in the aristocracy and socially stratified system.
On both sides of the Atlantic the average person and family are suffering at the hands of these corrupt, inept, and arrogant elitists. The workingman has become little more than an ATM that the elite, under the guise of political leadership, tap as they wish and when they wish, to fund their schemes and line their pockets. More frightening are their abuse of the legal system and the imposition of endless new and useless laws and expansion of police power to enforce them.
This is harsh criticism, to say the least. Actually it is hardly harsh enough. The United States, Britain, and the EU have amassed the greatest debt in history over the shortest time in history.
The elites derive their power through deals and manipulation and the illegitimate use of police power and political power.
Whose name is on these debts? We, the lowly deplorables. What do those of us who are being held responsible have to show for this massive debt? We have nothing — absolutely nothing — to show for it other than a lower standard of living and the financial burden those elites have imposed on us and our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Those who have borrowed and plunged us into unfathomable debt, have amazingly and magically have avoided complete personal liability for their irresponsibility.
Those of us who actually work to advance our standard of living, follow the rules, and adhere to the values and virtues necessary for the rewards of our efforts are being driven into poverty. The reward for our hard work and trust in our governmental institutions is economic enslavement and more and more regulation making us little more than actual slaves.
The problem confronting the elite is that the masses are beginning to object. The objections are emanating from those of us who are being abused. It’s about time.
The elite are terrified. The EU bureaucrats, unelected by popular vote, and the U.S. political class are screaming and attempting to frighten their populations into blind obedience. At the same time they continue to reduce the average standard of living further, demand continued trust of themselves, and attack anyone who challenges their rule.
I hope history will look back on the Trump and Brexit elections as the 21st Century’s “shot heard ’round the world.”
The revolt is in its infancy. In the United States the advance of Donald Trump to the presidency has shocked the progressive left. It is led by the Obama and Clinton progressives, our vaunted institutions of higher education, and the mainstream media.
They are responding like stuck pigs and cornered rats. Shrill headlines in mainstream newspapers and crude, snide, and slanderous rhetoric fill the progressive broadcast media. Those who refuse to bow to their wisdom are cast as nothing more than extremists and haters, according to the talking heads.
On the other side of the Atlantic, virtually the same thing is happening. The response by the EU, when shocked by the British people’s vote to abandon the EU, has been similar to that of the progressives in the United States. In short — the people be damned; the elites know what’s best for the miserable masses.
The problem confronting the elite is that the masses are beginning to object. The objections are emanating from those of us who are being abused. It’s about time.
Time will tell whether the elite can put us common folks in our place and once again use, abuse, lie, and assault our values and virtues with impunity. I for one hope history will look back on the Trump and Brexit elections as the 21st Century’s “shot heard ’round the world.”
I believe and hope these incredible events are the beginning of the end of unaccountable elites and their control of other people’s money, lives, dreams, and opportunity to advance on the basis of merit.
Copyright © 2017 by Robert L. Hale and the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation. All rights reserved.
Robert L. Hale received his J.D. in law from Gonzaga University Law School in Spokane, Washington. He is founder and director of a non-profit public interest law firm. For more than three decades he has been involved in drafting proposed laws and counseling elected officials in ways to remove burdensome and unnecessary rules and regulations.
See Mr. Hale's biographical sketch.
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